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Our world is constantly changing ,our communities are growing at an incredible rate and becoming so diverse with a lot of variations in social values. Combined with the pressures of modern living we can sometimes find our selves in situations where self-defence may be required both in domestic and the work place.


At Aus SelfDefence we believe "Prevention is better than cure"


Our aim is to educate ,train and work with Men ,Women and children and community groups of all Nationalities and walks of life.

Martial art Classes


 In our Martial art and personal safety classes you will gain confidence, be empowered and learn valuable life skills to help deal with unpredictable situations.


Our Martial art classes are designed to cater for children from 5 to 7 years old in little Ninja's and 8 years old and up in S.E.A.T Tae Kwon Do.

Rural Safe


Level 1 is the building blocks of our Rural Safe personal safety programs, you will learn the fundamentals of self-defence and learn how to use various parts or your body and a variety of practical and effective self-defence technique's from various styles of martial arts to defend your self. We keep it simple and fun so its easy to learn.

Rural Safe is open to people from 10 years old and up


Personal self-defence v's Passive self-defence 


Personal self-defence is used in real life situations and can be taken to so many levels from a basic Rural Safe level 1 to level 4 where participants can learn advanced techniques.  Our martial art classes and Rural Safe programs and work shops are designed for easy learning to build the foundations of personal safety and self-defence techniques.

Passive self-defence can be used in situations where personal safety may be compromised, this may include in the work place, domestic and professional care and emergence service etc. Policies and procedure and regulations may regulate how passive self-defence maybe or can be used.

It is important that participants learning passive self-defence review and get advice on these policies and procedures and regulations before using any form of passive self-defence in the work place.



Join us today, be apart of Aus SelfDefence and have fun learning our personal safety technique's.  

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